
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Worship into the Week- By Faith

 Worship into the Week
 Peter Speaks in Solomon's Portico
Acts 3: 11-21
Utterly astounded.
The people couldn't believe 
the healing of the lame beggar.
Peter grabbed this opportunity to speak to the people
 that the power to do this healing was by the name of Jesus.

Solomon's porch, so called from a tradition that it was a relic 
of Solomon's temple left standing after the destruction of Jerusalem 
by the Babylonians. (1 Kings 7:6.)
 The word "porch" is in the New Testament
 the rendering of the Greek word: por'-ti-ko- Stoa, 
meaning a portico or veranda.

When we visit the Temple Mount on our trips to Israel,
we can be close to this area.

This lame beggar was someone they had known for a long time.
Now he stood before them healed.
They were witnesses to this miracle.
Just like the disciples were witnesses of the alive again Jesus.
Peter asks them to repent and turn back 
that their sins would be blotted out.
This would bring a time of refreshment 
from the presence of the Lord.

What have I forgotten that I have been 
eye witness to in my life?
Time to take a bit of inventory 
about what I have seen and heard.

Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Magazine Cutouts
Distress Ink
Colored Pencils

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