
Saturday, August 10, 2024

Worship into the Week- About to Rain

  Worship into the Week-
Exodus 16:2-15

The first part of this week has been dealing
 with the aftermath of Hurricane Debbie.
She has certainly been raining down.
Our text for this week in Exodus
 is talking about a different kind of raining down.
Raining down bread.
Grumbling people.
Wishing they could go back to where they were before.
Slavery was better than this hunger in the desert.
But wait, in the morning 
you shall see the glory of the Lord.
That is not an ordinary day.

Then today, we have the news of son-in law-
 Daniel, in a truck and bike accident.
Daniel on the bike. 
We give thanks for the preservation of his life.
We pray that in all the days ahead 
of surgery and recovery that Daniel 
and all of us may be reminded
that "I am the Lord Your God."

Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Colored Pencils
Magazine Cutouts

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