
Saturday, August 3, 2024

Worship into the Week- Covenant

Worship into the Week-
Genesis 9:8-17
"I have set my bow in the cloud, 
and it shall be a sign of the covenant 
between me and the earth."

God's covenant with Noah
 is His covenant with me!

A strong storm roared through my neighborhood tonite.
  Though I didn't see it, 
social media posts showed the rainbow.
Our family has always been 
on rainbow lookout after a storm.
Rainbows are such a visible, notable sign from God.
The reminder in nature that ties right to Scripture.
God's Word places tonight's rainbow 
right into the connection of Genesis 9:13.
That's such a great and wonderful 
sign of a promise.
A contract, an agreement between God and his people.
May every rainbow sighting be a vivid reminder of this
precious relationship.

Visual Church Year Graphics
Worship into the Week
Magazine cutouts
Colored pencils


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