
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Worship into the Week- The Lord Hears Them


Worship into the Week-

Psalm 34:12-22

"The LORD is near to the brokenhearted 

and saves the crushed in spirit."

We may hear the word brokenhearted,

 but we perhaps don't use it very often.

"Feeling or showing extreme discouragement, 

dejection, or depression.

Despondent about his health."

Crushed in spirit is another term 

we might shortened to "crushed."

Crushed- could mean when we have lost passion, desire

 and energy to deal with life and its challenges.

When we just feel broken.

How do we deal with life when it comes to this point?

We find something to be thankful for each day.

We give praise and worship to the One who keeps us.

We worship the One who redeems.

We seek refuge in the One who delivers us.

Then the next day comes and we start all over again.

"When the righteous cry for help,

the LORD hears and delivers them

 out of all their troubles." v. 17


Visual Church Year Printable


Worship into the Week Printable


Magazine Cut outs

Distress ink

Colored pencils

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