
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Birthday Celebration- Jessica


Jessica Laine recently had a 40th Milestone birthday.
(Thanks to mother-in-law Kathy Meier
 for the sash and tiara.)
It took a bit of planning and alot of helpers for 
three moms of 10 kiddos 
to be gone for a one night getaway.
We flew in Sara from Virginia and scooped up
 the Michigan classroom teachers after school.
Jessica had mentioned that a quick family trip
 to Holland, Michigan was a favorite.
 She didn't get to spend enough time
 in that cute town.
Time to go back.
Sisters took care of decorating 
and we had some fun gifts to open.
Laura hand carved a stencil block 
and custom printed a beautiful towel for each of us.  
We found a great Hampton Inn for overnight
and started the day with a special birthday gift.
Vintage Culver butterfly glasses for the win.
(the 22K gold just makes them sparkle)

We had our "vintage eyes"
 all ready for the adventure.
I had researched for the best stores 
on the Antique Trail.
We were able to find some great spots
 in this picturesque and well-kept town.
Here is the list of our favorites:

 We had to try out this last one
-just because. We were in Holland after all.

We found great prices and LOTS
 of Pyrex goodies on our hunt.

I had a "scoop" from a friend for a great lunch spot.
Waverly Stone Gastropub.

Innovative cocktails and a yummy menu were a hit.

Thanks to Visual Faith® Ministry Team Coach- 
Beth Foreman for meeting us 
at their "family restaurant".  
Son-in law Andrew Westerlund and his father 
are the chef duo who design the creative dishes
 in this downtown delight.

A whole lot of laughing, a wee bit of fun,
and some really great memories for our day.

More shopping and we tried out 
a great coffee spot for an afternoon pick me up.
We spent some time just hanging out by the water.
(Holland is right off Lake Michigan.)
We finished out the day with 
ice cream treats at the cutest spot.
Home of the Tommy Turtle Sundae.

What a blessings are these 3 daughters.
Sara, Jessica, and Laura. (L to R)
We certainly had fun celebrating you- Jessica.
We pray that the next decade is just as awesome.
May the Lord bless you!
A special shout out to dads and Papa 
who helped watch the troops for our getaway day.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE - makes me wish for sisters, and of course, more time with my mom....thanks for sharing such a wonderful, memory-making event!


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