
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Worship into the Week- Send Me


Worship into the Week- Isaiah 6:1-8
Send Me
In this reading, Isaiah has a vision of the holiness of God
when He was affirmed to be a prophet.
Holy, Holy, Holy.
Radiant in the glory of the whole earth.
The earth shakes to its foundation.
"Woe is me! For I am lost; 
for I am a man of unclean lips."
The Lord desires to send his servant.
Isaiah answers- "Here I am! Send me."
The Lord affirms the commissioning of Isaiah.
We don't have a reference for that kind of glory.
We can't really put that into context.
In this section of Scripture we see:
God is HOLY.
Isaiah sees himself as sinful.
But, Isaiah also saw the great need.
Holy- set apart, unique, different.
We need to get a right view 
of who God is in this world.
He transcends our little earth.
He owns the Kingdom.

Lord, help me to see the need 
and hear the calling.
Help me to keep the right perspective
of your grandeur and supernatural 
power. Let the light that shines 
in the world show your glory. 
May our hearts be
turned to you as the invitation to 
a journey of singing your praise.

Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Magazine Cutouts
Colored Pencils
Distress Ink
Die Cuts

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