
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Reno Story- May 2024


Our family has lived in this house for 34 years. 

We added this deck right after we moved in and have loved it. 

It was showing the wear and tear of time and weather 

and we needed to redo the space.  

Years of talking about how we use the house

 and how we Want to use the house,

 led to the decision to make some big changes.  

Since this blog is for telling our family story,
 I will document the changes here each month. 
I publish the blog each year into a book
 so that we can REMEMBER
 the flow and rhythm of life.
Many of our friends are downsizing.
But we added 13 to our family.
It was a great house for 5.
18 is a different story.
So we are upsizing.
May 2024 included taking down the deck 
and some site prep work.
We have talked about this for SOO LOONG
 that we are a bit stunned to finally see something happening.
(so are our neighbors and family)
So there were alot of plants to move 
and rehome or give away.
Whole tubs went to new places to love.
Forms went up and concrete got poured.

So this was May.
I will give more directions
 about just what is happening as things 
begin to take shape.
May had LOTS of rain so things were slowed up a bit.
But, that is kind of the story
 with this much outside work to do.

We will see what the month of June brings along.

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