
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Worship into the Week- Sabbath

 Worship into the Week-Sabbath
Deuteronomy 5:12-15

The Sabbath is a one day a week gift to me.
God mandated that the world rest 
from their work each way.
This is one of the ways He takes care of us.
We need this in a world that has just revved up
 the TO DO list,
to an unbearable pace.
We have a challenging time making ourselves stop.
About 18 years ago, my husband John and I 
began to explore more about keeping the Sabbath.
A tough job for a clergy family.
 But, we read great books and made some changes.
We are STILL trying to find ways
 that make this a day for a "deep breath."
So on this continued journey of Sabbath
exploration I am blessed for God's 
great gift of GRACE along the way.

Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Magazine Cutouts
Colored Pencils
Distress Ink

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