
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Birthday Celebration- Jessica


Jessica Laine recently had a 40th Milestone birthday.
(Thanks to mother-in-law Kathy Meier
 for the sash and tiara.)
It took a bit of planning and alot of helpers for 
three moms of 10 kiddos 
to be gone for a one night getaway.
We flew in Sara from Virginia and scooped up
 the Michigan classroom teachers after school.
Jessica had mentioned that a quick family trip
 to Holland, Michigan was a favorite.
 She didn't get to spend enough time
 in that cute town.
Time to go back.
Sisters took care of decorating 
and we had some fun gifts to open.
Laura hand carved a stencil block 
and custom printed a beautiful towel for each of us.  
We found a great Hampton Inn for overnight
and started the day with a special birthday gift.
Vintage Culver butterfly glasses for the win.
(the 22K gold just makes them sparkle)

We had our "vintage eyes"
 all ready for the adventure.
I had researched for the best stores 
on the Antique Trail.
We were able to find some great spots
 in this picturesque and well-kept town.
Here is the list of our favorites:

 We had to try out this last one
-just because. We were in Holland after all.

We found great prices and LOTS
 of Pyrex goodies on our hunt.

I had a "scoop" from a friend for a great lunch spot.
Waverly Stone Gastropub.

Innovative cocktails and a yummy menu were a hit.

Thanks to Visual Faith® Ministry Team Coach- 
Beth Foreman for meeting us 
at their "family restaurant".  
Son-in law Andrew Westerlund and his father 
are the chef duo who design the creative dishes
 in this downtown delight.

A whole lot of laughing, a wee bit of fun,
and some really great memories for our day.

More shopping and we tried out 
a great coffee spot for an afternoon pick me up.
We spent some time just hanging out by the water.
(Holland is right off Lake Michigan.)
We finished out the day with 
ice cream treats at the cutest spot.
Home of the Tommy Turtle Sundae.

What a blessings are these 3 daughters.
Sara, Jessica, and Laura. (L to R)
We certainly had fun celebrating you- Jessica.
We pray that the next decade is just as awesome.
May the Lord bless you!
A special shout out to dads and Papa 
who helped watch the troops for our getaway day.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Worship into the Week- Send Me


Worship into the Week- Isaiah 6:1-8
Send Me
In this reading, Isaiah has a vision of the holiness of God
when He was affirmed to be a prophet.
Holy, Holy, Holy.
Radiant in the glory of the whole earth.
The earth shakes to its foundation.
"Woe is me! For I am lost; 
for I am a man of unclean lips."
The Lord desires to send his servant.
Isaiah answers- "Here I am! Send me."
The Lord affirms the commissioning of Isaiah.
We don't have a reference for that kind of glory.
We can't really put that into context.
In this section of Scripture we see:
God is HOLY.
Isaiah sees himself as sinful.
But, Isaiah also saw the great need.
Holy- set apart, unique, different.
We need to get a right view 
of who God is in this world.
He transcends our little earth.
He owns the Kingdom.

Lord, help me to see the need 
and hear the calling.
Help me to keep the right perspective
of your grandeur and supernatural 
power. Let the light that shines 
in the world show your glory. 
May our hearts be
turned to you as the invitation to 
a journey of singing your praise.

Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Magazine Cutouts
Colored Pencils
Distress Ink
Die Cuts

Friday, May 24, 2024

Worship into the Week- Dry Bones to Life


  Worship into the Week-
Ezekiel 37: 1-14
The Valley of Dry Bones

God does the work of transformation. 
We have no power to breath new life.
I love these thoughts below about how God's servant 
approaches the state of our being.
Clinging right now to:
God's servant must not say that hope is lost.
(Looking again for this source 
and will give attribution when I find it)

We have life because God has deemed
 to give us this gift.
Alleluia. Amen.
Visual Church Year Graphics
Worship into the Week
Colored pencils
Distress ink
Magazine cutouts
Gold gel pen
Junk mail envelope

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Charlie is 6!


This guy is now six and on to the big things
that six year guys do around town.

These cupcakes were a treat.

Helmets and dinosaurs.

Out on the diamond.

Laughs with Papa and wearing the Big G.

Water fun and slip and slide with the cousins.

Every one together is the BEST.

We love you Mr. Charlie
and are so blessed to have you
in our family.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Jack is 8!

This big guy is eight! 
What a fun birthday celebration this May.

 Family birthday photo and brother Charlie 

with his upside down early birthday card.

Birthdays are just fun with a special cake.

                         Great to have birthday helper friends.

                              Brothers love a birthday too.

                          Everyone is watching and waiting.

                    Great smile for our favorite second grader.

We love you and are excited about

all the things you are learning and achieving.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Worship into the Week- Victory!


Worship into the Week-Ascension

Acts 1:1-11

Acts 1:12-26

This Jesus brings Victory. Go and Wait in Jerusalem.

The Holy Spirit will give you the power.

The Lord know everyone's hearts.

Join constantly in prayer. 

Prayer is the base and center of all ministry.

We have the power to speak to the 

Creator of the Universe prayer.

By the gifts of the Spirit we have the power 

to share the Good News of Jesus 

with the whole world.


Visual Church Year Printable


Worship into the Week Printable


Colored pencils

Magazine Cutouts

Washi Tape 

Postage Stamps

Distress Ink

Printing Stamp

Monday, May 13, 2024

Topical Bible Tabs- For ME- For YOU


This is the continuation of a project 

that started about 27 years ago.

Last century.  Bible Gateway

 was only a static resource and Google hadn't been started.

That came in 1998.

This was my everyday Study Bible 

and I kept trying to remember favorite passages.

I struggled to find them quickly

 when I wanted to look them up.

So I started a list and made my own tabs.

Bible Tabs for ME.

Then I shared that on the blog-

back on Oct. 22, 2014.


Almost 10 years ago.

I shared the actual list of the Topics on

February 7, 2015.


Then I had to  EMAIL the list 

to everyone who wanted the list.

Because of the crazy algorithms of Pinterest, 

somehow that keeps sending people back to this story

 and it is the blog post with the most "hits".

We started Visual Faith® Ministry in 2017

 and just finally got around

 to getting this project finished up.

Thanks to a very helpful Creative Design Team.

So here is the link for the Tabs I made for ME.


Print on cardstock. Use what is helpful. 

Write your own.  Be blessed. 

Bible Tabs for YOU!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Remembering Mom


Remembering Mom today.
I will not forget you.
The gentle way you had of living out a
life of ABIDE.
How you nourished that center of living
 in your own family in
quiet and understated ways.

A gentle touch or a word of encouragement
were passed as daily touches of hope and love.
Too often they perhaps failed to infiltrate
 the stress of daily living.
 Now, even just seeing a glimpse of your handwriting
 brings back a caress of words.
 I pray that somehow, someway, I too
may be able to pass along these treasured
touchpoints to my own dear girls.
Even a nod of the head encompasses all of the
 "said and unsaid gifts" of a life well-lived together.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Worship into the Week- Good News for All

 Worship into the Week-
Gentiles Hear the Good News
The Holy Spirit Falls on the Gentiles

Peter had many things to convey 
to the people following his vision.
He understood that God didn't show any partiality.
Peter recounted the Good News that springs forth
for the Gentiles because of Jesus.
Then the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word.
Believers were amazed and there was much praising.
Then Peter asked,
"Can anyone withhold water for baptizing these people, 
who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?"
Then they were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
A Good News Day.

Visual Faith Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Watercolor pencils
Washi tape
Magazine Cutouts
Distress Ink

Monday, May 6, 2024

Calendar Journaling- April 2024


Calendar Journaling- April 2024

Gathering the devotional take-aways

 from this past month.

It helps me to see the big picture

 of a month of days.

Finishing up with my devotional book of this past year-

New Morning Mercies- Paul David Tripp.

Four Prismacolor pencils and 

a .05 Micron pen.

Just time to see where the Holy Spirit is 

working in my life.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Worship into the Week- Guide Me

 Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
Acts 8: 26-40
Are we members of an "exclusive club"
in our churches?
I fear that safe, known and predictable
supports our worship communities.
This story reminds us that 
all are included in the Kingdom.
Churches can live with an "in" and "out" mentality.
 We see that on this road from Jerusalem to Gaza
there was an interaction that began the explosion 
of faith on a whole continent.
Can we move from our "comfortable living" to
really see the separated and excluded?
This Holy Spirit led conversation allows
us to see the incredible value 
of every single Jesus conversation.

Lord, please allow me the wisdom 
to know when a conversation is important.
When the main point is Jesus.
Guide me, Lord. Amen.

Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Colored Pencils
Magazine cutouts
Distress Ink


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Bible Marginalia- Take Refuge

 Nahum 1:7
"The Lord is good,
a stronghold in the day of trouble,
he knows those who take refuge in him."

Just kind of centered in these words these days.
Praying over the future of 
Concordia University, Ann Arbor.
The faculty, staff and students are 
living in a time of flux and uncertainty.
May the Lord preserve this center of 
 learning in our Lutheran tradition,
 if this is his will for the Kingdom.

Enduring Word Bible
Colored pencils