Sunday, June 30, 2024

Worship into the Week- Out of the Whirlwind

 Out of the Whirlwind-
Job 38:1-11

Life piles up and and gets frenetic 
and the noise can become too loud
 to hear the voice of God.
We don't mean for it to happen, 
but it just does.
Job was in the pits 
in the dire situation of his life.
Hope was dismal and 
there wasn't much of a way out.
But then...
out of the whirlwind comes 
the voice of God as He begins to speak for Job.
The story starts to change for Job.
This is also the great reminder that the Lord 
speaks right into our whirlwinds of daily life.


Visual Church Year Graphics Only


Worship into the Week Printables


Colored pencils 

Magazine cutouts

Distress ink 

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