Saturday, March 22, 2025

Worship into the Week- Change and Obey

 Jeremiah 26:8-15
Jeremiah's Escape from Death

Well the leaders really are not liking 
what Jeremiah has to say here.
Talking destruction language.
The LORD tells Jeremiah to give them everything-
every word, the entire message.
The response?
The crowd mobs him and the priests and prophets 
shout to kill him. 
But, the officials of Judah heard the commotion and 
rushed to the New Gate of the Temple 
to hold court and listen.
Jeremiah pleads his case and says, 
"The Lord gave me every thing that I have spoken."
So they would be killing an innocent man 
and that would weigh heavily against them.
 Then some wise old men stood up and said
this sounded like someone before!
Sounds like that prophet Micah!
Maybe, there is something here to listen to from this guy.
Repent. Turn from our sins. Change our ways. 
We could save ourselves from great harm.

None of us ever want to have sin pointed out.
It is often easier to go with the flow
 then swim upstream.
God's Word is pretty clear about what
 He demands and expects.
Time to tune in and listen up.

Worship into the Week printable
Billing envelope
Colored pencils
Magazine cutouts

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Psalm Summary - Psalm 39


Psalm 39- Summary

Reading over this summary again today,

 after some time with this practice in January.

Always amazes me that each time I look at this work,

I see something different.

For me- that day.

Perhaps something else the next time.

God's Word is really just like that.

Alive and active in my life- each and every day.

In other groups in my life we are looking at:

 Busy, Rushing, and Fleeting time.

Merely moving shadows....

Each of us is but a breath...

The turmoil in me grew worse...

Remind me that my days are numbered...

How fleeting my life is...

Deep breath, and step into the tomorrow knowing that:

My ONLY HOPE is in you, Lord.


Saturday, March 15, 2025

Worship into the Week- Milk and Honey


Worship into the Week- 

Deuteronomy 26:1-15

First Fruits and Tithes

When we really understand that all that we have

 is from the Lord, 

it makes so much sense to rejoice 

with a tenth of our goods as tithe back to the Lord.

Our life is a gift given by God.

Our goods are a gift given by God.

May the Lord be gracious to us in our time

 here on earth with His good gifts. 


Visual Church Year Printable


Distress Ink

Magazine Cutouts

Colored Pencils

Monday, March 10, 2025

Worship into the Week- Return to Me


Worship into the Week-
Return to Me
Joel 2: 10-14

Life isn't going so well in the land of Judah 
with a plague of locusts consuming most
 of anything living.
Prophet Joel is seeking to bring some word
 of encouragement
 in the middle of destruction.
He speaks God's call for repentance-
"turn to me with all your heart, with fasting, 
weeping, and mourning. Tear your hearts 
not just your clothes, and return to the LORD your God."

Certainly a fitting reading for Ash Wednesday
 as Lent begins. 
God's hand is extended to His loved ones.
Joel reminds the people, 
"For he is gracious and compassionate,
 slow to anger, abounding in faithful love 
and he relents from sending disaster."

Even when we are in difficult times,
 we know that these fade from our memory. 
As we look forward to something that endures forever,
our hearts rest in hope of an eternal God 
and His future Kingdom.

Worship into the Week Resource
Magazine Cutouts
Colored pencils

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Worship into the Week- Face to Face


Worship into the Week- 

Deuteronomy 34:1-12

Moses's Death

The amazing life of Moses comes to a conclusion in this chapter.

In the grand area from Moab  to Mount Nebo,

and beyond,

we see all the land that was promised to Abraham, 

Isaac and Jacob. 

This land will go to the descendants of Moses, 

and he has seen it.

But, he won't be allowed to cross into it.

Sometimes the focus is not what happens in our lifetime,

 but after our time here on earth.

The death of Moses marked a major transition of leadership.

He saw the Promised Land and then God appointed Joshua

 as his successor to lead the Israelites into Canaan.

A new chapter was unfolding of God's promise to His people.

God used this man whom He knew face to face as an

amazing leader in the land for Israel.


Visual Church Year Printable


Magazine Cutout

Colored pencils

Distress Ink


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Calendar Journaling- February 2025


Calendar Journaling- February 2025

Still working through the devotional- 

To Live is Christ by Beth Moore.

Her devotional is looking at the life of St Paul 

and I am enjoying this with our upcoming tour to Greece.

4 Colored pencils

A phrase that sticks.

A Journey along the way.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

70 years of Baptism Birthdays

 Today is my Baptism Birthday-

February 27. 

I made this little booklet about 20 years ago. 

 I had made the plan to find my baptism date 

and celebrate that every year. 

Making this small accordion book was the first step.

Now I have the date marked in 

February for the 27th each year.

A few years later I made another remembrance

 with a few more details.

So on this day, as I flip the page to 27 
on the monthly prayer calendar,
 I give thanks for this day of "new birth" blessings.
Claimed by Jesus.
What a gift.