The cover of the journal for the Meier Family
A time to capture the journey of living
in thankfulness and capturing the journey |
An ABC Thanksgiving Poem
A card saved for Jessica from
Grandpa and Grandma Denninger
A pocket with a handout of thoughts and ideas for Thanksgiving celebrations
How do we bless our children
with the gifts of a lifestyle of thanking?
Part of the gift is to capture the stories of celebrations, traditions, and the people and food of this American family holiday. A few years ago we began to collect what we could of the stories and were quickly amazed how "we forgot" and could not remember gatherings even a few years back. So as part of the help for telling the faith stories, I made each daughter a Thanksgiving album. In it are cards from their growing up years, notes on how we celebrated, maybe a handout or two, and notes and letters.
This could collect favorite family recipes in the future and the funny and more somber stories of gratitude. Each daughter is presented this book as they are married- as a bridge between their "old" family and the connections to their "new" family. A favorite family collectible are old Thanksgiving postcards- some dating back 100 years. Copies are included for their own holiday decorating ideas.
The journal is to be as much a part of the Thanksgiving gathering as turkey,
football and pumpkin pie.
May it bless each of their families as their faith stories of who, what, and where unfold and they sing a song of praise.
Each journal is an 8 1/2 by 11 sketchbook with a fabric cover.
Bible verses are added to center the heart of gratitude and embellishments are added for fun.