Friday, December 31, 2021

Gordon is Five


This little guy turned five this week.
Think he is ready for snow.

It was a Paw Patrol birthday.

Gordon is certainly Team Pawsome!

Gordon is loving his special celebration.
Siblings Griffin and Hadley are certainly

 are happy to be taste testers.

Some fancy fixings for a very special little guy.

Birthday Blessings Gordon!

SoulTending Reading for 2021


                         Soul Tending Reading List for 2021

  • Illuminated Life- Joan Chittister
  • Carnegie's Maid- Benedict
  • Jesus at the Center of My Messy Life- Justin Rossow
  • Abide in Christ-Andrew Murray
  • Hind's Feet on High Places- Hurnard
  • God's Transmitters- Hannah Hurnard
  • Teaching A Stone to Talk- Annie Dillard
  • Delight- Justin Rossow
  • Renovation of the Heart- Willard
  • Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice- Willard and Johnson
  • Chaos to Hope to Healing- Walt Waiser
  • The Prodigal God- Timothy Keller
  • Orthodoxy- G.K. Chesterton
  • The Most Reluctant Convert-Downing
  • The Truth in Jesus- MacDonald
  • God in the Dock- C.S. Lewis
I always have so many on the stack,
 but thankful I was able to get through
 this stack of soul-tending reading. 
Always good to get back to some classics like:
 Chesterton, Hurnard, MacDonald and Lewis.
favorite? probably the reread of  Hind's Feet on High Places in a lovely Visual Journal edition with many highlights from Hannah herself.  Highly recommend.
Already putting books on and off the stack for 2022.
What is your first book to read for 2022?

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Christmas 2021

Jessica and Dan Meier and sons

Laura and Joshua Schumacher and family 
Sara and Joshua Wilson and boys

The six boys we had for our Christmas week family time- 
what a blessing!
Thank you Lord for sending your Son
 and this time to celebrate as a family.
Grabbing the boys in red for a photo or two.

Some spots around the house with favorite decor.
Always fun to get out family favorites.
So many things to be thankful for this Christmas.
But the whole story is encompassed in this-
Play stations were a hit for our time together.
Gift opening fun.
Here are the two littles in the family.
We missed being with the Schumachers this year.
We wish you all the blessings of a 
Christ Child birth to the world -
in your very own life.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Worship into the Week-DWELL


Worship into the Week- Dwell
Colossians 3: 12-17
Put on the New Self

Lots of great instructions here for the wardrobe
 of our new self. Lots of new things to put on.
Then let:
Peace of Christ rule.
Your lives be thankful.
Christ dwell in you richly.
Admonishing be done in wisdom.
 Songs and hymns be sung.
Everything you do be done in the name of Jesus.

Pack your hearts and homes with this
 wonderful aroma of Christ's presence.


Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Distress Ink with Soft Brush
Magazine Cutouts

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Worship into the Week- Christmas Day


Christmas Eve- Midnight 

 Titus 2:11-14

Teach Sound Doctrine

v.11"For the grace of God has appeared 

bringing salvation for all people."

Christmas Day Dawn

Titus 3:4-7

Be Ready for Every Good Work

v4-"but when the goodness and loving kindness

 of God our Savior appeared he saved us."

Christmas Day Noon

The Supremacy of God's Son

Hebrews 1: 1-12

v.3- "He is the radiance of the Glory of God."

All three of these worship responses point us

 to important pieces of the Incarnation story.

1. It is a grace story.

2. It is a redemptive story.

3. Jesus was truly God's Son.

Even though I didn't attend 3 worship services

 for Christmas, I enjoyed the reflective time 

with these readings. They are all part of the resources

 at Visual Faithâ„¢Ministry in the Shoppe for free download.


Visual Church Year Printables


Worship into the Week Printables


Scrapbook paper 

Christmas card piece


Colored pencils

Gel Markers

Monday, December 27, 2021

Advent Devotions 2021


Advent Devotions 2021
A phrase from each day's devotion.
Four colored pencils.
Creating the STORY of devotion time.
This year I ordered this 
Advent devotion on Amazon.
I always love seeing the progression of the 
Advent devotions, as I center reading before 
Christmas to prepare my heart.

Calendar by Ann Gillaspie-

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Worship into the week- Christmas Eve


Worship into the Week- Christmas Eve

I John 4:7-16

God is Love-

8b-9 "...because God is love. 

In this the love of God was made manifest

 among us that God sent his only Son

 into the world so that we might live through him."


clear or obvious to the eye or mind 

display or show by one's acts or appearance, demonstrate

We can SEE this baby.

He is an made to be seen by His Father.

The greatest gift ever has been wrapped in skin

 and delivered to us on earth.

We can SEE LOVE.

Thank you Lord, for this very amazing gift.


Visual Church Year Printable


Worship into the Year Printable


Christmas Postage Stamp

Scrapbook paper

 Snowflake ornament

Watercolor pencils

Colored Pencils

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Worship into the Week- Majesty

Worship into the Week-
Micah 5:2-5a
The Ruler to be Born in Bethlehem

Pretty insignificant is Bethlehem.
Or anyone coming form that place.
 But, this place will bear
 the one whose name will bring MAJESTY.
In this ruler they shall dwell secure.
 He will bring forever peace in Him 
to the ends of the earth.

Visual Church Year Project
Worship into the Year
Magazine cutouts
Colored pencils
Washi Tape
Enduring Word Bible
Water Color Pencils


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Worship into the Week-Rejoice


Worship into the Week-
Exhortation, Encouragement, and Prayer
Philippians 4:4-7
There may have been some kind of "issue" 
between Euodia and Syntyche 
and Paul asks them to agree in the Lord.
Come back and remember to rejoice in the Lord.
"Let your reasonableness be known to everyone.
The Lord is at hand."
The rest of this section is encouragement-
don't carry around worry or anxiety-
 give it to the Lord.
Let prayer be the center of your life-
as you live in thanksgiving.
God's peace is beyond our understanding
and we are blessed with the the Lord's protection 
for our hearts and minds kept in Christ Jesus.
These are riches beyond measure.

Visual Faith Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Colored pencils
 Crayons- Colors of the World
Washi tape

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Worship into the Week- Completion

Worship into the Week-
Philippians 1:2-11
Thanksgiving and Prayer

What a great section of encouragement
 in this section of Scripture from Paul
 to the people of Philippi.
Paul reminds them:

  • he remembers them in prayer with joy
  • they have a partnership in the Gospel
  • God began a good work in them and will bring it to completion
  • they are all partakers of grace
  • he yearns to be with them with the affection of Christ Jesus
  • he prays that their love would abound with knowledge and discernment
  • that they may approve what is excellent, pure and blameless
  • may they be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ
 Certainly words of encouragement
 for each of us today.

Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Magazine Cut out
Colored pencils 
Washi tape

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Scripture Doodles- November 2021


Scripture Doodles- November 2021

It is always a testimony to my short memory 

when I look over each month

 and see the words AGAIN for each day's devotion.

I can recall the thought and take away - when I see it- but fail miserably to do that without the prompts. Just another reminder of WHY Visual Faith Practices are essential for me. 

It is part of my IEP-to use tools and resources that help recall.

Would that be a help for you too?


4 colored pencils

1 Fine-point Sharpie Non-bleeding pen

Printable calendar from Concordia Publishing House

Renovare Devotional- The Reservoir

Friday, December 3, 2021

Worship into the Week- ABOUND


Worship into the Week- 
Timothy's Encouraging Report 

1 Thessalonians 3:9-13

Paul was concerned about the faith life 

and spiritual growth of the Thessalonians. 

He sent Timothy to check in on them.

Paul is heartened to hear the news of the faith 

and love that Timothy shares in his report of the faithful.

The people still lacked things in their spiritual life and Paul believed that his presence would be a help to them. Life is complicated and we get distracted and off course. One of the things that enhances our growth is the blessing of prayer. Abounding in love helps to make up for our shortcomings as we continue to grow in holiness.

We give thanks for all the ways that our worship

 gives honor and praise to God. 

May we find JOY in the ways

 we grow in faith in community.


Visual Church Year Printable


Worship into the Week Printable


Washi tape

Magazine cutouts

Colored Pencils

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Papa and Gigi Camp


We had a plan for our 2 days with the 7 Michigan Grandloves

 at Papa and Gigi Camp.

It took us two days to complete. Here is a bit of the story.

New big coloring books- Mandalorian and Paw Patrol

 and new crayons were a hit.

Playdough creations were super fun

 for the "older ones."

Our ages were- 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 3 months.

Papa traced them on the driveway 

and then they tried to match the color of

their clothes with sidewalk chalk.

Creation Stations found great pairings with partners.

This wasn't on our plan but this little guy

 had only one place he wanted to be.

We made lots of silly faces.

We made some Thanksgiving tags for our garlands.

They gathered treasures on their Adventure Walk.

They loved putting together

 BIG floor puzzles.

Fort Cozy was the perfect spot to read books with Papa.

Always room for one more.

We spent lots of time snuggling this cutie.
We made a plan for the 2 days.

We started each day with a family meeting sharing
 the behaviors we were looking for that day.
We were watching and listening.
"Awards" by proclamation 
were given at the end of each day.

It was fun to hear them point out
 behavior notations for each other.
So how did we get to do camp?
Mom Jessica was presenting at an
 Educators's Conference and out of town. 
Mom Laura went back to work after her maternity leave
 and her childcare person was out of town.
Dad Joshua was prepping for his second game
 in the NAIA football playoffs and headed to Iowa.
Dad Daniel was working long hours as an athletic trainer
 at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
We were certainly blessed to spend
 this time with our 
Michigan grand loves.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Worship into the Week- Alpha and Omega


Worship into the Week-
 Christ the King Sunday
The Last Sunday of the Church Year

 Revelation  1:4b-8

For there is the one who is 

and who was and and who is to come..

Promises from the Almighty- 

every eye will see him-

He is coming with the clouds.

Be ready.


Visual Church Year Printable


Worship into the Week Printable


Magazine Cutouts

Colored pencils

Washi Tape


Friday, November 26, 2021

November Roundup

O Favors, every year made new.
O Gifts, with Rain and Sunshine sent.
The Bounty overruns our due
The fullness shames our discontent.
Glimpses and Gleanings 
from around our home.
And the home of Michigan daughters
 on our visit there.
We give thanks with a grateful heart,
for all the Lord's provision.
The Lord has showered us
 with so many blessings.
In Everything Give Thanks.