Saturday, October 19, 2024

Worship into the Week- Seek the Lord and Live

Worship into the Week-
Seek the Lord and Live:
Amos 5:6-7, 10-15

Here- Amos declares judgment on the kingdom of Israel.
There can still be time for repentance.
There is the warning that they are to set themselves 
apart from their wicked nation and seek good and not evil-
so that they may live.

Amos was a "herdsman and a dresser of sycamore trees."
(Amos 1:1, 7:14)
God called him to  be the truth teller to the people 
of the northern Kingdom of Israel.
 He was a "nobody" and his audience 
were the wealthy and powerful, 
and the religious establishment.
The words of Amos were dire and he was not welcome.
He comes to tell of a nation already dead.
They didn't pay attention to Amos since the "upper class"
 were doing well. His words are dismissed.
But, Amos gives hope.
"Seek the Lord and live." v.6
There is an opportunity for a turnaround and second chance.
His audience thinks they have been "seeking the Lord" 
since they worship at Bethel. 
So, there must be something more- a new way.
God was seeking a lifestyle that wasn't just "at worship time",
 but in all their dealings with people.
God was looking for hearts of compassion, 
justice at the "city gate", honest interactions,
and are for the poor.
Amos makes it pretty plain.
Seeking God is Seeking Good.
It is looking for the poor and vulnerable.

A remnant will remain through the Assyrian invasion
 and the Babylonian invasion. 
Are we ready to hear the warning of Amos today?
The poor are vulnerable, wealth is unfairly distributed, 
and economies are volatile. 
Not much has changed in the world centuries later.
The words of Amos are also a call for us to align with
seeking God in ways that also seek good.

Visual Faith Worship Graphics
Worship into the Week
Colored pencils
Distress ink
Vintage postage stamps
Magazine cutouts

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