Monday, March 10, 2025

Worship into the Week- Return to Me


Worship into the Week-
Return to Me
Joel 2: 10-14

Life isn't going so well in the land of Judah 
with a plague of locusts consuming most
 of anything living.
Prophet Joel is seeking to bring some word
 of encouragement
 in the middle of destruction.
He speaks God's call for repentance-
"turn to me with all your heart, with fasting, 
weeping, and mourning. Tear your hearts 
not just your clothes, and return to the LORD your God."

Certainly a fitting reading for Ash Wednesday
 as Lent begins. 
God's hand is extended to His loved ones.
Joel reminds the people, 
"For he is gracious and compassionate,
 slow to anger, abounding in faithful love 
and he relents from sending disaster."

Even when we are in difficult times,
 we know that these fade from our memory. 
As we look forward to something that endures forever,
our hearts rest in hope of an eternal God 
and His future Kingdom.

Worship into the Week Resource
Magazine Cutouts
Colored pencils

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Worship into the Week- Face to Face


Worship into the Week- 

Deuteronomy 34:1-12

Moses's Death

The amazing life of Moses comes to a conclusion in this chapter.

In the grand area from Moab  to Mount Nebo,

and beyond,

we see all the land that was promised to Abraham, 

Isaac and Jacob. 

This land will go to the descendants of Moses, 

and he has seen it.

But, he won't be allowed to cross into it.

Sometimes the focus is not what happens in our lifetime,

 but after our time here on earth.

The death of Moses marked a major transition of leadership.

He saw the Promised Land and then God appointed Joshua

 as his successor to lead the Israelites into Canaan.

A new chapter was unfolding of God's promise to His people.

God used this man whom He knew face to face as an

amazing leader in the land for Israel.


Visual Church Year Printable


Magazine Cutout

Colored pencils

Distress Ink


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Calendar Journaling- February 2025


Calendar Journaling- February 2025

Still working through the devotional- 

To Live is Christ by Beth Moore.

Her devotional is looking at the life of St Paul 

and I am enjoying this with our upcoming tour to Greece.

4 Colored pencils

A phrase that sticks.

A Journey along the way.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

70 years of Baptism Birthdays

 Today is my Baptism Birthday-

February 27. 

I made this little booklet about 20 years ago. 

 I had made the plan to find my baptism date 

and celebrate that every year. 

Making this small accordion book was the first step.

Now I have the date marked in 

February for the 27th each year.

A few years later I made another remembrance

 with a few more details.

So on this day, as I flip the page to 27 
on the monthly prayer calendar,
 I give thanks for this day of "new birth" blessings.
Claimed by Jesus.
What a gift.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Worship into the Week- The Lord Preserves


Genesis 45:3-15      The Lord Preserves

A story of God's great preservation is the story of Joseph, 

the famine and his brothers.

This is a story of reconciliation in a really challenging situation.

Joseph was greatly wronged by his brothers, 

but the bigger goal was their restored relationship.

It must have been a very painful confrontation.

The truth wins out to tell the events of the past,

and also to explain the painful situation of the current famine.

God uses the ugly and transforms it into the gift of 

His great plan for the family of Joseph.

Sermon Notes from 2-23-25

Visual Church Year Graphics
Distress Ink
Colored Pencils
Magazine Cutouts
Postage Stamp
Inspire Bible

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Levi is NINE


This young man is Nine years old.
Happy Birthday Levi!!
Time to celebrate with family and friends 
and a little bit of 
WWE Smackdown.

some 3-D glasses for some of his 3-D

Cake and Candle time.

A very fun gift for Levi.
Another license plate for his wall collection.
Can you tell this kid likes shoes?
He loves to draw new styles.

Always great to celebrate with brothers, mom and dad 
and the grandparents.
Some of Levi's free hand drawings.
Kind of amazing!
Many blessings to you young man!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Worship into the Week- Hope and Confidence


Worship into the Week-

Wisdom from the Lord     Jeremiah 17:5-8

"Blessed are those who trust in the LORD 

and have made the LORD their hope and confidence.

They are like trees planted along a riverbank, 

with roots that reach deep into the water.

Such trees are not bothered by the heat 

or worried by long months of drought." v.7-8

This Bible passage encourages trust in God. 
Those who trust in God are like trees planted by water.
Trusting in God means committing to God as 
all-sufficient to protect us and fill
 the place of those who let us down or disappoint us.
Making the Lord my HOPE.
In a world with twisted priorities- 
that sounds like a plan.

Visual Church Year Graphics
Colored pencils
Magazine cutouts
Distress ink

    Friday, February 14, 2025

    Valentine Vignettes


    A bit of heart day decor around the house this year.
    Always fun to bring out some of the 
    favorites from in the past.

    Or try out a new spot for things that 
    have been around for a long time.
    Fresh flowers make everything look wonderful.

    Hearts and love and vintage Valentines
     from a hundred years ago.
    They certainly tell a story.

    A few "spoolies" we have had fun creating. 
    But, the main story to tell 
    is how much Jesus loves me.
    "We love because He first loved us."
    1 John 4:19

    Thursday, February 13, 2025

    Worship into the Week- Build UP the Church


    Worship into the Week-
    1 Corinthians 14:12b-20

    Our God created bodies that have many parts
     and they each have a purpose.
    Each believer is like a part of the body.
    We each are different in personality, 
    gifts and calling. 
    But, each is an important and necessary part
     of the body of Christ.
    It is important to use every spiritual gift in ways that
    build up the church and is understandable.
    How important it is to remember that God has need 
    of each and every member of the body of Christ.

    Worship into the Week Printables
    Distress Ink
    Washi Tape
    Magazine Cut outs
    Colored Pencils

    Saturday, February 8, 2025

    Worship into the Week- In Every Respect

      Worship into the Week-
    Hebrews 2:14-18
    Christ became a human to save all of mankind 
    from the power of sin, death and the evil one.
    Because Jesus became a human in every way, 
    ( except our sinfulness) we are now free and
    liberated. Jesus is our high priest. 
    We can come straight to him.
    Jesus knows all of the human temptations 
    that haunt our days.
    He is available to to help to all who ask for help.
    Prayer connects us right to the power of our High King.

    "He had to become like His brothers and sisters 
    in every respect, 
    so that He might be a merciful and faithful 
    high priest in the service of God."
    Hebrews 2:17

    There is something very comforting 
    about this aspect of Jesus. 
    The Messiah had to become EXACTLY like humanity
     in order to properly atone for their sins.
    (  to do something "right" to make up for doing something wrong) 
     Thus He become the truly perfect high priest.
     We are then reconciled to God.
    ( the relationship is restored between God and man)
    This statement becomes a center of all things 
    connecting in the Old Testament- how we become 
    in right relationship with God.

    Visual Church Year Graphic
    Distress Ink
    Colored pencils
    Magazine Cutouts

    Wednesday, February 5, 2025

    Worship into the Week- Rules of the Lord

     Worship into the Week-
    Psalm 19
    The Law of the Lord is Perfect

    Psalm 19 praises God for revealing himself 
    through the world he created and the law he provided.
    The Psalm is divided into three parts:
    1-6  God's revelation in creation in the heavens and the sky
    7-11 God's revelation in the law
    12-14 The response of the man of faith
    The psalm's message is that God has revealed himself 
    to all people through creation and the law,
    and that everyone has evidence that God exists.
    God's law is more desirable than gold 
    and sweeter than honey.

    Visual Church Year Graphic
    Colored pencils
    Magazine Cutouts
    Washi tape

    Monday, February 3, 2025

    Calendar Journaling- Jan 2025


    Calendar Journaling- Jan 2025

    So the new year is moving along and somehow it 

    feels good to continue a long time practice.

    Many things in the world feel tilted or out of control.

    This takes me back to His Word 

    and with a devotional thought I touch base

     with realness again.

    Lord, have mercy on your people who are 

    desperately searching, but don't know where to find you. 

    Help me to show open doors 

    and shine light in the darkness.

    Give me boldness and grace.  Amen.


    Colored pencils

    Micron pen


    To Live is CHRIST Day By Day- 

    by Beth Moore

    Wednesday, January 29, 2025

    Bible Marginalia- The Joy of the Lord

     Inspire Bible- Bible Marginalia
    Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
    Ezra Reads the Law

    Grandson Levi read the Old Testament Reading
     in worship this past Sunday.
     Maybe I was listening a bit more intently than usual.
    I had my Inspire Bible and a few colored pencils.
     Just the movement of my hand helps me to listen better
     and concentrate on what the Lord wants me
     to hear in that time frame.
    It had been so long since the Israelites 
    had heard God's Word read aloud.
    They stood for hours.
    They were weeping in sadness and Nehemiah tells them
     to go and celebrate.  
    Share the food with people who have nothing prepared.
    "Don't be dejected and sad, 
    for the joy of the Lord is your strength."

    Inspire Bible
    Colored pencils
    Washi tape

    Saturday, January 25, 2025

    Worship into the Week- Walk in His ways


    Worship into the Week- Walk in His Ways

    Psalm 128

    "Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord

     and walks in His ways." v.1

    This Psalm of Ascent was likely a pilgrim song recited

     by the travelers in the company of their families as the hills

     of Jerusalem came into view.

    The Psalm describes the blessings that come to a

    family where God is feared, loved and respected.

    That blessing moves from one generation to the next-

    to our children's children.

    Thank you, Lord.


    Visual Church Year Printable


    Magazine Cutouts

    Vintage Stamps

    Distress ink

    Colored Pencils

    Friday, January 24, 2025

    Worship into the Week- Called By Name


    Worship into the Week- Called By Name

    These past few months have brought the floods 

    and the fires. In all of history that isn't a new catastrophe.

    But, maybe this generation hasn't seen this 

    level of destruction in our own country.

    The world whirls with the devastation.

    Ancient times weren't saved 

    from horrific natural disasters.

    Isaiah's words ring through the centuries 

    as a reminder of God's presence.

    But now, this is what the Lord says—
        he who created you, Jacob,
        he who formed you, Israel:
    “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
        I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
     When you pass through the waters,
        I will be with you;
    and when you pass through the rivers,
        they will not sweep over you.
    When you walk through the fire,
        you will not be burned;
        the flames will not set you ablaze.

    Isaiah 43:1-2

    God reminds us that He is both creator and redeemer. 

    He can lay claim to both.

    Then He commands us to Fear not.

    Even facing Babylon- 

    God steers the people past the present situation.

    When I hear by name called-

     it is by my creator and redeemer. 

    It is an intimate announcement 

    of ownership with a promise.

    When the hard times come (not if)

    He will be with me.

    Come flood or fire.

    And if it it all goes away on earth,

    I am His in eternity.

    That's a life insurance policy for sure.


    VFM Worship into the Week


    Magazine cutouts

    Colored pencils

    Vintage stamps

    Distress Ink

    Sunday, January 19, 2025

    Worship into the Week- New Year and Epiphany


    Starting off the New Year with the 

    Worship into the Week resources.

    I am a bit behind the weeks for this January, 

    as I was praying about whether I wanted 

    to continue this practice.

    I started back in 2018, to just do up a "few weeks",

     so that I would have some to show others about the resources.

    Then I was "hooked".  The big surprise was that I 

    planned for maybe a couple years.

    This starts my eighth year of worship into the week

     pages in a three ring binder.

    Some times it takes me a couple of days to finish 

    the layout and it really does extend

     the worship experience into the week.

    Time to reread the lectionary readings.

    Time to see the connections.

    Time to peek ahead for the next week themes.

    I give thanks to God that He has allowed me the space, 

    trial and error and grace for these weeks in His Word.


    VFM Worship into the week


    Colored pencils

    Distress Ink

    Vintage stamps

    Magazine cutouts

    Thursday, January 16, 2025

    Artist Proof


    We received a lovely gift for Christmas this year

     from our "middle" daughter. 

    An original etching from Laura- the art teacher.

    So I am learning about the terms.

     Etching- "An art etching is a printmaking technique where an image is "etched" into a metal plate using acid, creating grooves that hold ink which is then transferred onto paper when pressed, resulting in a printed artwork with the etched design; essentially, it's a method of creating prints by chemically "carving" a design into a metal plate."

    OK, that sounds complicated and time consuming. 

    So my delight in the gift of this project just went up a bit.

    Then another term- Artist Proof.

    "An artist's proof (AP) is a print that an artist makes to assess the quality of a print, or to make final adjustments before producing a limited edition."

    OK, now that little AP at the bottom is kinda wow.

    Laura said it was an intensive process 

    and she learned ALOT.

    A simple design- a beautiful gift.

    Think this needs a frame.

    Saturday, January 11, 2025

    Worship into the Week- December 2024

     Been slowing working through
     the readings of Advent and Christmas.
    Time to do some great reflection without 
    being hurried.
    That is one of the things I am seeking to practice-
    Living Unhurried.

    One of the ways to step into UNHURRIED 

    is to move beyond a calendar framework.

    There are so many lectionary readings for this season of the year. 
    I thought about picking and choosing,
     but when I took off the deadline that changed my process.

    Finishing the Worship into the Week layouts

     right into 2025 was just right.

    This year we are doing a Year in the Psalms 

    at Visual Faith® Ministry and there were a lot of Psalm readings.

    I even found a perfect Sally Beck image

     from the Christmas card she sent.

    Pulled out the vintage Christmas stamps. 

     Found a 5 cent stamp from Canada.

    Wonder what year that was?

    Also added a Christmas stamp from 1963.

    I still love using just magazine for the base layer for this journal.

    This page is a cityscape turned upside down. 

    Becomes very graphic.

    So there is December 2024 Worship into the Week

    Unhurried fashion.


    VCY Worship Graphics


    Chalk highlights   Vintage stamps

    Gel pens      Colored pencils

    Magazine cutouts     Washi tape