Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Bible Marginalia- Blessed Among Nations

Bible Marginalia Series- #244

I always tend to stand in awe of Abraham.
A faith that stood in the face of great challenge.
Yes- with the human failings too,
 that will follow all of us in our earthly travels.
But, it is the get back up
 and move forward part
 that gives me encouragement.
Chosen by God to be a great nation-
 to bring blessing to many people.
Each of us have also been chosen
 to bring blessings to others.
We may not be in the "Abraham category".
But, in the small choices day in and day out,
 along the pathways of our days,
 and the people we meet,
we are called to BE A BLESSING.

Lord, may we be granted the strength
 and the courage to boldly 
pursue this basic but powerful task.
In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

 Fine-point non-bleed Sharpie pen
Colored pencils
Washi tape

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