Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Enduring Word Bible- The Samson Series-2

Enduring Word Bible - #19

God Answers Prayer
Judges 13-
The Manoah story continues with 
God listening to the voice of Manoah.
His wife is sitting in the field 
and the angel of the Lord comes to her again. 
She runs to find Manoah
 and he follows her back to "the man."
Manoah wants to know if this is the same guy.
"I am."
"Now when your words come true, 
what is to the be child's manner of life, 
and what is his mission?"
The angel of the Lord gives specific direction
 for his wife to follow the same diet
 as stated for the child.
Manoah wants to honor the man with a goat meal.
The angel tells him to prepare a burnt offering
  and offer that to the Lord.
He wants the name of the man so he can honor him.
The angel of the Lord says:
 "Why do you ask my name, 
seeing it is wonderful?"
Manoah offers a sacrifice 
to the one who works wonders.
 When the flame goes up to heaven,
 the angel of the LORD went up
 in the flame of the altar.
Manoah and his wife fall to the ground
  fearing for their life 
because they had seen God.
The woman bears a son and they call him Samson.
The LORD blesses him and the 
Spirit of the LORD began to stir him. 
Used Reeves watercolor pencils on this page,
added a bit of water after coloring.
Washi tape
Micron pen

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