Worship into the Week-
April 28, 2019
Jesus Appears to Thomas
John 20:29
Then Jesus told him,
“Because you have seen me,
you have believed;
blessed are those who have not seen
and yet have believed."
I always think about how the few days
after the death of Jesus was a big learning
curve for the disciples in learning how
to be prepared for the unexpected.
Jesus just appears, then disappears.
Lots of things didn't make sense even yet.
How wonderful that we believe
even though we have not seen.
That is the heart of the matter-
The Gospel is not about us.
It's all about Jesus.
As we go about in the world
we can share that same greeting-
Peace be with you!
The world is hungry for that!
Magazine and junk mail cutouts
Bulletin cover
Colored pencils