Friday, August 30, 2024

Worship into the Week- Spiritual Blindness

 Worship into the Week- 
Isaiah 29:11-19

Jerusalem knew how to talk the spiritual talk,
 but they were living a double life.
Their hearts were far away from God.
Knowing a person's heart is God's territory.
We can try by looking at the whole story of 
someone's life, but even that is limited. 

Here Isaiah is speaking of the great 
spiritual blindness of 
the leaders of Jerusalem. 
They have access to God's Word,
 but don't understand it's meaning.
How is that any different from 
the leaders in our world?
Empty lip service to God.
Or perhaps the created begins to think
it is greater than the Creator.
Or that they can hide their plans 
from the potter.
 They do their works in the dark.
Not transparent.
But, then there is a shift. 
Isaiah begins to tell of a fruitful land 
where the deaf hear and the blind see.
The humble finally experience joy
 in relationship with Lord.
God's mercy shines through the story
of redemption.


Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week
Colored pencils
Distress Ink
Magazine Cutouts
Gold pen

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