Sunday, September 8, 2024

Worship into the Week- To Your Children's Children


Worship into the Week

Deuteronomy 4:1–2, 6–9

In this section of Scripture we see that Moses

 commands the people to keep God's laws.

Things were going to be different in Canaan

 as they made this their new home.

His instructions came with a command that 

they were not to add or subtract anything from God's law.

They were a  people that had something 

very different than the people around them.

God's law was to be highly valued and cherished.

Moses challenged the people to obedience.

God strongly tied the faith of Israel to real, actual

 historical events. 

Myths, legends or philosophies were not the basis 

for the beliefs of the Israelites. 

The stories were factual accounts of true events.

It was their personal history-

 that they had seen with their own eyes.

"Make them known to your children 

and your children's children."

What a reminder to us to write down 

and retell the stories of God's workings in our own lives.

For the sake of our children and our grandchildren.


Visual Faith Printable


Worship into the Week Printable


Colored Pencils

Distress Ink

Magazine Cut-Outs

Vintage Postage Stamps

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