Sunday, July 20, 2014

Waterlogue- When God Blurs the Edges

A favorite app on my iphone is Waterlogue.
 It amazingly makes some
 average photos spectacular.

It takes a bit of trial and error.
One time it is a smush of color 
and you cannot tell 
what the image is suppose to be.

And the next time it scores into highlights
 the way the sun hits the image.

I have shared this app
 with a number of friends- 
and get notes back that there is a problem-
 it is addicting.

The mulberry tree on my growing up Indiana farm.
 photo by Lee Ann Siples

Race swimmers ready to compete- Troutman, NC.
 photo by Jessica Meier

As I continue to play with this app
 and my photos I keep coming back to this prayer.

Heavenly Father,
blur the edges of my life.
When I long for crisp and clear-
 and strive for that daily-
make me malleable.
Fluid to move as you need me to,
each and every day to Spirit whispers.
Give me a sense of 
"not finished yet."
When I am dull and absorb light,
shine in the corners to make them brighter.
Give me a sense of peace that in this 
time of daily living without seeing
the lines that mark the edges,
you are filling all the spaces with 
your grace that paints
the day brilliant.
May the gift of your Son,
 bear upon my interactions
so that others may see YOU.
In the name of Jesus,

"Show me your ways, Lord, 
teach me your paths."
Psalm 25:4

at the Graft farm--summer 2013

photo by Lee Ann Siples


  1. I love this! Just what I needed to hear today. blur the edges of my life! I love this prayer. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  2. Beautiful. All of it.


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