Friday, May 6, 2022

Mothering with Grace

Young mommas work hard these days.
Moms of littles work very hard.
(Dads work very hard too)
But, on this Mother's day weekend,
 I will talk a bit about the job of mothering.

When I try to remember the days of littles,
 I am pretty sure I block many things out.
Interrupted sleep slips away.
Endless crying jags are silent.
Whining and pouting aren't easily recalled.

What rises to the surface are hugs, laughter,
 playing games, brushing hair,
meals around the table, family vacations,
worship services and learning about transitions together.
We moved through every stage together
 and they were grace-filled days. 
Oh, so many mistakes were made,
 as we made decisions the best we could 
with the information we had at the time.
That is my prayer for you dear little mommas.
Grace-filled mothering.
Dear daughters-
may you cover all of your days with-
 grace for yourselves, 
grace for your littles, 
and grace for the dads 
you parent with in your home.
Oh, how thankful I am-
 that we live in a "grace state" because of Jesus.
Jesus is the gift-giver and because of HIM,
we move and live and have our being,
and "mother in grace."

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