Saturday, December 21, 2013

Advent Hope

Sometimes we see small pieces that rest on a shelf
 and even a tiny plastic scene
brings thoughts of Kingly status.

Perhaps because we can really do nothing to give credence
 to the size and scope of impact of this little babe.

As we read the Old Testament stories of longing for fulfillment-
we move to the New Testament  gentle telling of HOPE arriving.

Shepherds arrive and the magi trail in early…

and yes I am ready for Christmas.
Shopping is not all done, 
packages are not wrapped, 
and there is food to prepare-
 but I am ready for Christmas.

And yesterday when an office staff worker 
in a medical center asked if I was ready for Christmas-

I paused and said-
"I am working these days to consider
 everyday as Christmas -
and then I can just be ready everyday. 
Takes a lot of the stress out of it, 
and just fills me with- HOPE ."

May these next few days be a deep breath-
a long sigh,
and a spot of time for
quiet reflection.

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