Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Beit Shean- Part 3- Palladius Street

 A two -story row of shops on the left was erected
 in the Byzantine period 
on an ancient foundation from the Roman period.

The Sigma- a semi-circular concourse
 of the Byzantine period,
 had several rooms opening out onto it.
The Nymphaeum- a pubic fountain of the 2nd century
 remodeled in the 4th. 
Water spilled into a pool situated in front of the structure. 
This may have been apart of a "sacred compound"-
 with a temple and altars.

The marble columns are immense at Beit Shean.
We climbed to the top of the ancient tel.
(A walk for the hardy, and "highly-motivated" people.)
Saw the valley view.

as well as the Roman ruins below.

Listening close on our trip.
Pat Maier- the best note taker ever
 and David Maier- (Michigan District President- LCMS)
David has his own stories of adventures in Israel-
 but you have to ask him about those.

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