Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday

Crucifix from the Cave of St. Jerome- 
The Translator of the Vulgate Bible.
 This is from the cave
 where he lived under the 
Church of the Nativity- Bethlehem.
 Jerome lived a life of translating 
the Bible from Hebrew to Latin.
He certainly contemplated 
the Good Friday story
in His life work.  

From the Shroud Exhibit- 
Notre Dame Jerusalem Center

A Good Friday image
that stirs my heart 
in His deep love for me.

An example of what a Roman "Crown of Thorns" 
actually looked like--
More Hat-like or Crown 
than a Ring of Thorns as often Depicted.

O sacred Head, now wounded, 
with grief and shame weighed down,
Now scornfully surrounded with thorns, 
Thine only crown;
O sacred head, what glory, 
what bliss till now was thine! 
Yet, though despised and gory, 
I joy to call thee mine.

What Thou, my Lord, hast suffered, 
was all for sinners' gain;
Mine, mine was the transgression,
 but Thine the deadly pain.
Lo, here I fall, my Savior! 
'Tis I deserve Thy place;
Look on me with Thy favor, 
vouchsafe to me Thy grace.

What language shall I borrow
 to thank Thee,
 dearest friend,
For this Thy dying sorrow,
 Thy pity without end?
O make me Thine forever, 
and should I fainting be,
Lord, let me never, 
never outlive my love to Thee.

Text by Bernard of Clairvaux  1153.

Whatever the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin-
 there are some helpful things to think 
about in the Good Friday story -
for all Christians.
shroud of turin exhibition

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