Saturday, March 2, 2019

Scripture Doodles- February

An Experiment Continues.
I have now been using the tiny Scripture doodles
 that go with a devotional reading
 for a full 6 months now.
I always tell people to do a check-in
 with their Spiritual IEP plan every 6 months
 to see what is working and what needs adjusting.
I have been using the Portals of Prayer readings,
a Traveler's journal, 
a printed calendar from 
Concordia Publishing House, 
and 4 colored pencils each month.
So far the evaluation shows that:
 I am still DRAWN to the practice.
 It is doable, reliable, and a blessing.
I love seeing the images together
 as the month progresses.
It serves as both Story and a reminder.

How does this fit with my needs
 and accommodations for my IEP?
I need structure for my practices.
I work best with simple and small spaces
 without the need to draw images.
It needs to be easily portable
 for a transient lifestyle.
There is help to deal with the 
distraction of color choices-
(the 4 colored pencils chosen each month.)
I love to have processes that develop
 into a shareable story to encourage others
 on social media or in story form.

So? the end result....
keep on moving forward
 this way in the journey.
This month's devotions were written 
by Rev. Andrew Yeager of Garrett, Indiana.


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